Accounts Module

A A+

Accounts Module

Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, Accounts system allows you to track bank accounts, income and expenses. As quick and easy to use as a checkbook register, it is based on professional accounting principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports. It is fully integrated with the rest of iHire Software® hiring modules.

Accounting system main features:

a) Allows you to create multi-level chart of accounts in a very flexible way.
b) Allows you to register all kinds of asset from single screen. You can also view the details of asset movements in detail through the system.
c) Easy posting of registered asset.
d) The System automatically calculates depreciation on a monthly basis and does post it in a single click.
e) Shows you the profit and loss easily.
f) While registering a dispose of asset, the system automatically brings the booked value for that asset.
g) Automatically calculates deferred interest from the data fed by the Payment system.
h) The system calculates and stores the monthly prepaid insurance value while attaching the insurance certificate given by the Equipment Care system.
i) Petty cash management with the controlling of the daily expense activities
j) Allows you to post journal vouchers.
k) Automatically calculates online trial balance for a given parameter. Through this you can easily manage every individual account head.
l) Registration of deposits to bank is featured.
m) Easy interface to do the Bank reconciliation.
n) All kinds of transactions are visible in proper account head-wise. The system allows reviewing the transactions and correcting the entry in case of incorrect data.
o) Various types of reports are provided through the system.

Payable system main features:

Payable system allow to create the verity of payment vouchers for multiple or single payment for vendor/supplier. The system allows to print the cheques on preprinted bank stationery. Fully Integrated with Purchase module and document management module. System have feature to Entering the various kind of Payable invoice and do the voucher allocation. System allow to follow-up up for Voucher, Invoice and LPO. System allow issue the credit adjustment for single or multiple invoice.

Payable Voucher:

a) The system allows account users to prepare different types of payment vouchers.
b) Define the parameter and create the Installment Voucher with multiple cheque in very easy way.
c) System allows the allocation of payment vouchers with vendor invoices or Purchase order based on Voucher type.
d) The system allows entry of single or multiple cheques in a single voucher.
e) Attach the Asset with Voucher
f) Define and create the finance charge of asset for Voucher.
g) iHire Software cheque printing system allows accountants to directly print Cheques with high accuracy. It prints all the cheque elements: Payee Name, Date, amount in words, figures, Account Payee Only. The system also prints the cheque allocation details (paid up invoices)
h) Cheques handover to Creditor - From this feature user can do handover the single or multiple prepared cheques to the creditor.This will keep track of the voucher and cheques history.
i) Verity of reports available for voucher and cheque.

Payable invoices features:

a) System allow to accept and recieve verious kind of Invoices from vendor /supplier.
b) Single invoice could be receive in partly or fully.
c) System generate different serial number for different type of Invoice.
d) User could view the LPO ,GRN and Voucher detail from the same screen.
e) Intigrated with document mangement system to see the scan copy of supporting documents

Payable follow up features:

From single screen user can do the payble followup for single vendor or multiple vendor of
a) Payble invoice with detail of allocation
b) LPO and GRN with detail of allocation of asset
c) Voucher and Cheques allocation of Invoice and Lpo
d) Aging of payable amount

Applicable businesses:-

This module is very useful for any Equipment, car rental, and leasing companies having multiple branches in multiple Cities, and Countries. It is also suitable for contracting companies, factories and businesses having many Cars, Vehicles, Machines, and Equipment.